Friday, June 1, 2012


My fitness goal for May was 2,500 minutes.

The actual amount I did was 2,522!  As you can see from the above photos, I'm tickled pink . . . heehee.

The photos were taken this past Sunday, after church (5/27/12).  The dress is new . . . my shorts were falling off of me; and to preserve my modesty (and my dignity), Tex and I went clothes shopping last Saturday.

We both got a couple of pairs of shorts; and this dress was absolutely calling my name.

I had 2 goals for May:  to achieve 2,500 fitness minutes AND to remain seizure-free.
I accomplished both of them!  Praise God!

I have 3 goals for June:  to achieve 3,000 fitness minutes, to continue remaining seizure-free . . . AND to finally get my calligraphy & paper-crafting business going again.  April and May were devoted entirely to getting settled into a regular and ongoing fitness regime.  Now, it's time to broaden my world, de novo.

Thanks for reading; y'all be blessed,

Five-Minute Friday: See

It's "Five-Minute Friday" again!  Writing for 5 minutes flat - no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.

Today's word is "see"


What do I see when I look at you?  What do you see when you look at me?

Do we just see each other's physical shells . . . our bodies, our faces?

Or do we go beyond that and see our hearts, our souls, what makes each of us tick?
Where we have come from and how that path has shaped our lives, how it influences our present?

Is a pretty woman or a handsome man more valuable?  Do they deserve more respect, more attention?

Take a person, any person.  Dress them up and make them shine.  See how people respond to them.  Now, take that same person and dress them down; maybe smudge them up a bit.  Do people respond to them in the same way as they did when that person was all bright and shiny?

Look at Mother Teresa.  What a smile!  Those eyes and that smile!  She saw people; into their inner core; not just what their outer covering relayed to the world.  Her love for people shone through on her face.  That rugged, wrinkled, absolutely beautiful face.

Do what we see in others portray what we actually see in ourselves?  Do we treat others in any specific way based on how we treat ourselves or how we think others should treat us?


And there y'all go.  My five-minutes worth of "See."
If you'd like to join in, Click HERE to go to Lisa-Jo's blog - The Gypsy Mama

Thanks for reading; y'all be blessed!